My desire is to work with you, our customers, to achieve the highest level of conservation possible without impinging on your needs and enjoyment of our precious water supply. When requested to conserve water in the late 1980's and early 1990's, you responded admirably. The Soquel Water District has implemented water conservation measures for a number of years. We have been the leader in the county in many conservation measures. Our toilet rebate program and water efficient washing machine rebate program, yields millions of gallons of water saved per year. We have hired a second full time conservation specialist to expand this important work. Our school education programs have won awards for their innovativeness and ability to convey the conservation theme to children. The current fiscal year includes an over 50% increase in conservation funding. Even with all of your good conservation efforts, we still need additional water to meet our current and future needs. There is an opportunity to work with the City of Santa Cruz to develop a desalinization plant that we would use on a continual basis and the city of Santa Cruz would use the full capacity of the plant during drought years. We would then be able to rely on our ground water basin. This combined effort would reduce the cost to both agencies. A second alternative supplemental water supply would be with the Pajaro Valley Water Agency whereby we may assist them in conserving more reclaimed water that would be used in their district and they would deliver a like amount of ground water to our district. An alternative to this plan would be that we would purchase imported water for the Pajaro District and they would deliver a like amount to our District from their ground water. We hope to implement one of these plans within the next few years. For further discussion please contact me by e-mail or phone.