- Occupation: Business Owner
- Member, Huntington Beach Citizen Participation Advisory Board
- For the past 14 years, my wife and I have operated our own business.
- Former V.P, (Personnel and Labor Relations) for a multi-billion dollar corporation
- Former School Teacher and Administrator
- Former U.S. Congressional Staff Member
- During Vietnam, I volunteered to serve our country as an Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps
Top Priorities if Elected |
- To protect and enhance the Quality of Life of ALL our residents (incl: Public Safety, Environment, Infrastructure, Senior Housing Protection, etc.).
- To adopt a "Smart Development" approach (instead of "development at any cost") to attract businesses with good paying jobs, enhance our tax base, etc.
- To Balance the city Budget -- and be sensible about it! Provide essential services, cut waste, improve efficiency, and get smarter about it.
- Huntington Beach Tomorrow and other community groups, leaders, & officials.
- League of Conservation Voters and environmental leaders and activists.
- Hunt. Beach Mobilehome Owners Ass'n and other seniors' groups and leaders.