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Contra Costa County, CA | November 5, 2002 Election |
Differentiated InstructionBy David S. StrombergCandidate for Board Member; Lafayette School District | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
We need to provide differentiated instruction in every classroom in the District, including at Stanley Middle School.When I ran for the Governing Board in the last general election and was endorsed by the Contra Costa Sun, I advocated the adoption and implementation of differentiated instruction in every heterogeneous classroom, so that every District student, regardless of his/her academic performance or potential, receives an appropriately challenging and intellectually stimulating education. For the past two years, I have demonstrated my commitment to differentiated instruction by serving on the key committees that have been responsible for its adoption and implementation. We have had many District teachers make presentations to the District Advisory Committee (on which I have been the BVE Parent Representative) demonstrating their excellence in providing differentiated instruction in their classrooms. Many of these teachers have served as mentors to their fellow teachers in their grade level. Our job is not done, and won't be done until every District teacher is providing every District student with an appropriate challenging and intellectually stimulating education. Differentiated instruction also needs to be implemented fully at Stanley Middle School. This will not be easy to accomplish, but our energy and resources need to be expended in achieving this important goal. |
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