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Orange County, CA March 5, 2002 Election
Smart Voter


By Kenneth M. Valenzuela "Ken" Fisher

Candidate for United States Representative; District 47; Republican Party

This information is provided by the candidate
A statement of why I have decided to seek the support of the people of the 47th Congressional District in my bid to represent them in the United States House of Representatives
Why I am running! Kenneth M. Valenzuela Fisher Candidate for Republican Primary in 47th CD

That's correct, I am running in the Republican Primary for the 47th Congressional District, a district now represented by a pro-abortion Catholic in name only Latina, Loretta Sanchez Brixley. Now I know she calls herself Loretta Sanchez, but because she is married to a man named Brixely, that is not her true name.

I also am of Mexican American heritage, as such I am very aware that most Latinos strongly respect a person who says and does what he believes to be right, even though they themselves may not agree with that person's positions. I am also aware that Latinos do not respect a person who is wishy washy in his or her beliefs. They are more likely to support someone, who says and does what he believes to be right, even though they themselves may not agree with all of his or her positions.

Our Constitution, a document that I believe was divinely inspired, has been unconstitutionally altered and in some cases obliterated.

My platform can be easily explained and defined, you see it is that America must return to the Constitution as it was written and intended by our founding fathers. That Constitution is a living document in that it can be constitutionally changed by the clearly defined amendment process. We as a Nation are having great difficulties because the Congress and to a lesser extent, the Executive, have allowed this great document to be changed and in some cases obliterated by Judicial infringement on the "Separation of Powers".

I see America as a great Nation, a gift of God, where all men and women who aspire to good for themselves and others can do so no matter what their race, nationality, creed, or sex is.

A Nation in which the powers of government to control the lives of law-abiding citizens are very much limited by the Constitution. It does not take a person trained in statistics or a rocket scientist to figure out that if our government continues to grow in size and in laws, it will become so out of balance with its citizens that it will collapse of its own weight.

I see America as one Nation under God, indivisible, endowed by its Creator with Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all including the unborn as well as the born. It is no coincidence that our Founding Fathers put these principles in that specific order, that is Life first!

Our Constitution, a magnificent document, declares that all that are willing to work and study to reach their goals can do so. However that does not mean that no matter how little they are willing to put forward to reach them, the government should or is even permitted to endow them with these goals. It also does not mean that persons of so called minorities will have standards lowered so that they can reach goals that they themselves have not really earned.

I believe in a Nation in which all of its citizens are entitled to the pursuit of an education free from indoctrination that goes against their or their own families beliefs, an education that gives them the basics of a good academic background, and an education that they should be able to attain through whatever source they choose, including private and religious institutions.

I also see it, and at least until recently so did the Congress and the Supreme Court, as a Christian Nation. Because it is so, peoples of other religious persuasions enjoy more freedom to pursue and even proselytize their beliefs in this Nation than probably they would enjoy in any other Nation. Also because of this, no one preaching their own particular belief ever has to fear being put to death for doing so. I only wish that were true in many other countries throughout this world!

All Sovereign Nations have a Constitution right to protect the integrity of their borders, but it must do so in a humane manner, realizing that not all who risk their very lives to come here without documentation are of criminal intent, but are only seeking to support themselves and more often their families. This does not mean that those who are here legally and those who are citizens should be forced by government to support them. It does mean that they should be free to seek support from private and religious organizations that desire to do so, and that organizations should be free to do so as well as long as they do not use tax payers dollars to do so!

In summary, unless this country repents and comes back to the principles that once made it great and the hope for oppressed peoples throughout the world, we will most probably see catastrophes far greater than the ones we experienced on September 11, 2001.

As a Member of the House of Representatives, I pledge to do all I can to try to avert this, so help me God.

If you are willing to help in this campaign in any way, please contact me at: 714-776-8855 or write or fax to: P.O. Box 8095, Anaheim, CA 92812-8095, 714-772-5075, E-mail:, Website:

Kenneth M. Valenzuela Fisher Candidate, 47th Congressional District

Current Endorsements: Hon. William Danneymeyer, Esq. Mrs. R.E. Krueger Hon. Gil and Anita Ferguson Bob & Beverly Cielnicky John & Mickey Rodenbour Gilda Eck John & Joan Burke Hon. Robert K. and Sally Dornan Mr. Robert R. Odom Art Pedroza Mr. & Mrs. Gene Cook

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