One idea I have which I would like to see implemented is the development of private foundations to fulfil society's needs. What if the Department of Motor Vehicles was run by a Private Foundation? What if Private Foundations repaired the roads? I believe that privatization is the pathway of the future which could relieve the burden of overtaxation on California citizens. Furthermore, when you CHOOSE where your tax dollars go, taxation begins to become truly voluntary. Every dollar that you contribute to a private foundation that will help society will reduce your income tax dollar for dollar. If you have contributed more than your individual tax bill for the year, the credit will carry forward to the next tax year. When a private foundation is only needed temporarily, it will be folded/liquidated after it has served its usefulness. There will be no budget problems, no General Fund complications, and you will have a say in how your state, how your county and how your city are run. Good ideas will be funded and implemented. Bad ideas will die. Bond issues will become a ghost of the past. Our economy will become the healthiest in the nation and we will provide an example for other states and for the nation.