San Mateo County, CA | November 7, 2000 Election |
TrafficBy Charles M. "Chuck" KinneyCandidate for Council Member; City of Menlo Park | |
This information is provided by the candidate |
Protect residential neighborhoods from cut though and regional traffic and expand shuttle systems to adjointing cities and schools.The regional traffic congestion that impacts Menlo Park, brough on by the robust economy, contiues to frustrate residents. We have studied alternative plans to reduce the current zoning build out and traffic generation within Menlo Park and have been disappointed with the results of the findings that show the regional traffic increases filling any gap we may create in the reducing traffic generation thourgh alternative down zoning. Within this context we need to continue to mitigate traffic impacts to neighborhoods such as I supported for the Bay Road and Belle Haven neighborhoods. The approved synchronization of traffic lights along El Camino Real will soon improve traffic flow by 15%. The mid day shuttle primarily for senios that I initiated is an excellent example of how governments can fulfill a transportation need. This shuttle combined with AM/PM peak commute shuttles need to be expanded and coordinated with adjacent communities and schools. We have recently formed a tri city form between Menlo Park, East Palo Alto and Palo Alto to plan such a system. With 1/3 or our resident working in adjoining cities and over 25% of our downtown employment residing in Menlo Park there are opportunities to create a successful inter city shuttle system. |
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