League of Women Voters of California
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Political Philosophy for Fran Vaughan, IV
Candidate for |
Antioch has been in desparate need of leadership for a long time. We have endured one politician after another who have made empty promises to make things better. I have considered Antioch's needs. I've talked to people and have listened to their ideas. I have specific plans for improving life in Antioch - not empty promises! TRAFFIC - During this election several of our local politicians have just discovered that we have a traffic problem in east county. Like you, I've known about it for years! It's time we became pro-active in the fight for our transportation needs. After I am elected I will-
Taking people out of their cars is a fast way to speed the flow of traffic. Mass transit must be practical in order for it to be successful. When I take office I will -
If it weren't for growth we wouldn't be facing issues like traffic, school over-crowding, and police staffing. Once in office I will take the following steps to insure that growth pays it's own way.
The downtown area is like a classic car that is sitting in our backyard just waiting to be restored to its' former glory. We've done the cosmetic work. We installed planter boxes, put in awnings and made fancy crosswalks. We extended Somersville Road, and now we are going to extend A street. The problem is that our short-sighted politicians don't realize that downtowns in places like Walnut Creek and Martinez aren't successful because of their landscaping. They are successful because they have a reason for people to be there! We must create an "economic engine" to drive downtown revitalization! When I am elected to the city council this fall these will be my priorities. I have additional plans for Antioch's future and if you would like more information contact me. Call 779-1190 or e-mail me at: Franv_1@msn.com. Remember... Most politicians make empty promises based on what's best for the next election. I make Plans based on what's best for our next generation! |
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