Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Tulare Counties, CA | March 7, 2000 Election |
John Hernandez if FOR...By John S. HernandezCandidate for United States Representative; District 19 | |
This information is provided by the candidate | Hernandez for Congress 2000 John Hernandez is FOR... -SAVING Social Security first. -IMPROVING public education. -REFORMING Medicare. -PROTECTING a woman's right to choose. -REDUCING child poverty. -ESTABLISHING a health care bill of rights. -ENFORCING equal pay for women. -DEVELOPING a diverse economy. -RESTORING civility to Congress. John Hernandez, "A leader with vision." Dear voter: I am John Hernandez and I am running for the 19th Congressional District seat here in California. I am sure you are well aware of the problems that California faces in the next millennium. Right now we have major problems in this country that are being ignored. Social Security and Medicare need to be made secure for future generations, America's educational system needs a major overhaul, health care must be made available to everyone, women need to be assured that they always have the right to choose, what is left of the American West must be protected for future generations to enjoy, crime cannot be cured solely by building more jails, and there are agricultural issues like safe farm labor transportation and access to Chinese and Indian markets that must be addressed while protecting American workers. For just about three years now, all that our current congressman, George Radanovich along with his Republican colleagues has focused on is getting rid of President Clinton and passing a risky, over bloated tax cut while domestic and foreign problems are getting more and more urgent. SOCIAL SECURITY: I will fight to preserve and strengthen Social Security, protecting its surplus from diversion: particularly from Republican tax cuts that will benefit only the wealthiest Americans. The majority of the budget surplus should be used to underwrite Social Security. I don't believe individuals should be allowed to invest large percentages of their social security money in the stock market since sooner or later it's almost certain to go down. However, I do think an insulated agency, similar to the Federal Reserve Board, could offer several professionally managed funds as long as individuals could not invest more than 5% of the total amount they put into their Social Security fund. EDUCATION: Excellence in education is an absolute must for America's survival and competitiveness in the next century. The Federal Government must insist on high standards for all levels of education, discourage social promotions, aid local districts in funding summer and after school programs, help local school boards upgrade old and deteriorating school buildings, target tax credits for families who are sending students to college and who invest in technology, mainly computers used in educational pursuits, increase the number of Pell grants and student loans, and help school boards to raise salaries. The violence in our schools must also be addressed. HEALTH CARE: There are still well over 43 million Americans, many of them working full time without any health coverage whatsoever. Some ways need to be found to give at least basic coverage to working people. In many instances, people on welfare have better coverage than the working poor. I will do my utmost to ensure that Medicare will be solvent in the next century. Currently health maintenance organizations cannot survive in the valley due to low Medicare reimbursements. I will urge our government to review how these payments are calculated so people here in the valley don't have to worry about their HMO leaving. FREEDOM OF CHOICE: The law states that women have the right to choose what they can and cannot do with their bodies. I will do everything in my power to curb the reign of terror which is currently being waged against doctors and clinics who provide reproductive services to women. You don't hear a peep from politicians like George Radanovich about the "hit list," threats and intimidation of doctors on the Internet as well as the shootings, bombings, anthrax scares, and harassment of legal reproductive services providers. While you hear a lot from Republicans about small government and about "getting the government out of people's lives," but they still insist on telling women what they cannot do with their own bodies. I don't believe the government has any business in the bedroom. UNEMPLOYMENT: In the thick of the largest economic expansion in history and the lowest unemployment rate in history we have one of the highest in the country! Tulare and Fresno counties are ranked number two and three with the highest number of children living in poverty! George Radanovich has failed this valley! I will find ways to bring companies to the valley by working with local leaders to establish enterprise zones where companies receive incentives to build in the valley. We must diversify our economy and I will lead the way by pursuing high tech companies while expanding on our agriculture base. I will use the full weight of my congressional office to forge a future full of prosperity for everyone. AGRICULTURE: Currently valley farmers have a surplus of food and stagnant farm prices. New markets must be pursued. The Indian market is the key to stability in Asia. The billion plus population and the emergence of it into the nuclear club are ample reason to negotiate a comprehensive full scale trade deal. Access to the Chinese market has been established but the only way we can have the upper hand in negotiations with China is to have a rival market. India is that rival. I bring solid qualifications with me that include a BA in History from Fresno State, three and a half years experience as a union worker (local 1288), two and a half years in the health care field with Aetna US Healthcare and one year with the Department of Transportation. I am also very active in my community as a youth football coach for the Bullard Knights. I was one of the founding members of the California State University Fresno History club and elected to its steering committee. In addition I am a current Co-Chairman of the Aetna Hispanic Network and a member of the African American Employee Business Network also with Aetna. But most importantly I have a burning desire to help people through the political system. Our leaders in Washington should inspire our young people, not discourage them. George Radanovich listens to the Republican party, not his district. This campaign will not be easy. It is going to take a great deal of time and resources to defeat the incumbent. If you feel the need to make a contribution please make your check payable to John Hernandez at the above address. I am committed to the cause and would greatly appreciate your support on this great endeavor. |
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