A Voice for the Neighborhoods
It has been less than a year since my special election
victory sent the city council a wake up call that Redwood
City's neighborhoods would no longer be neglected. During
that short time, I have succeeded in moving flood control
and traffic alleviation measures to the top of the city
council's priority list. Much more remains to be done,
however. The council is waiting to see if my election was an
accident or a real statement from the neighborhoods. With
your support, I will continue to make traffic alleviation,
flood control, enforcement of litter laws, and more public
input into city planning and spending decisions the
council's chief goals. I will also continue my battles with
the federal government to keep the Redwood Shores levee open
to the public and with the Redwood City school district to
improve its nationally embarrassing student test scores. I
ask for your vote to remain your independent voice and
fiscal watchdog on the city council. We must raise the
standards in Redwood City to match the incredible potential
we have to become the most well-run, prosperous, and
attractive community on the Peninsula.