Council Needs Adult Supervision
What our city council needs more than anything is adult
supervision. Someone with enough experience in life and
business who knows that economies move in cycles and that
the bounty we have today should be used to prepare ourselves
for troubled tomorrows. With few exceptions, currrent
council members are on a reckless spending binge that
threatens to force future councils to issues IOUs to our
policemen, fire fighters, and librarians. The new city hall
is a perfect example. It had $3 million in cost overruns,
and when it was paid for, the council took out a risky
refinancing of it for a temporary and paltry profit. My
agenda will include traffic alleviation, code enforcement of
litter and clutter laws, work with schools and libraries to
improve our children's test scores, and flood control
measures. Redwood City has a reputation unique in San Mateo
County for its lack of concern for reducing its debt,
improving its infrastructure or assisting its neighborhoods.
I want to change that.