1) To preserve and protect out constitutional rights.
2) Develop rent control,rent is out of control hear in
Palo Alto.
3) Develop a Homeless Center or Mission. To work with the
surrounding community in a constructive and spiritual
way. Bringing unity and good faith , with opportunities
for those in need of real help. Also educating and over
comming prejudice and persecution that has been set on
the hommeless community.
4) Establishing the Free Palo Alto Bar-B-Q, for txpayers,
bring our diverse community together to injoy a truly
American tradition, with live enterainmant, meeting our
politicians,(you know I'll be there)city workers,and
police officals, in one after noon to cultivate
frindships and of coursr all in good tast.
5) To work with other city council members to resolve
complex issues to a compent level,expeditiously!
6) To listen to the people with an open mind and to do what
is best for the common good of our coummunty using
common sense.