Snohomish County, WA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Tough Justice

By Jay F. Wisman

Candidate for Cascade District Court Judge; Position 1

This information is provided by the candidate
We have a serious criminal epidemic, not only in Washington, but the entire country.
As a native of Snohomish County, I have a strong interest that our district courts provide and equal justice for all citizens. In my 21 years as Cascade District Court Judge, I have worked continually to improve the dispensation of fair and impartial justice. District Court is the people's court. Criminal behavior, combined with drug and alcohol abuse, can frequently be corrected by a judge dedicated to using firmness in sentencing, combined with available treatment resources. Over the years I have developed a strong and skilled probation department. As a result, many defendants have personally returned to the court, or communicated by mail, expressing thanks to the court for aiding them in changing their lives.

I will continue to do everything I can to change peoples lives for the better. However, I will send repeat offenders to long-term jail.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 30, 1998 11:43
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