Hamilton County, OH November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

The Portman Agenda

By Rob Portman

Candidate for United States Representative; Congressional District 2

This information is provided by the candidate
This summarizes some of my priorities if I am elected.

Dear Friend:

The Congress has accomplished a great deal --IRS reform, welfare reform and tax cuts - but there's still much to be done. If elected I will continue the fight to:

  • Reform the tax code: After more than two years of work, we finally passed IRS reforms to make the IRS more accountable and to give all taxpayers more rights. Now, it's time to take the next step: we must streamline the tax code itself, making it simpler, fairer, and less intrusive.
  • Eliminate wasteful government spending and reduce the tax burden for all Americans: Balancing the federal budget - and reducing wasteful government spending -- must be a top priority so that we can allow families to keep more of what they earn.
  • Preserve Social Security and protect retirement savings. Common-sense steps must be taken to protect Social Security so that it will be there for future generations. And I will continue to push hard for my proposals to expand the availability of private pensions and savings plans to provide retirement security for millions of workers.
  • Reduce teenage drug abuse: it's time for new prevention-oriented strategies to address the dramatic increase in teen drug use. I will continue our innovative anti-drug work locally and nationally to provide a drug-free environment for our children.

Working together, we can make a difference on these and other issues, just as we have in the past two years.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: November 3, 1998 10:54
Smart Voter '98 <http://www.smartvoter.org/>
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