Santa Clara County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

By Nicholas G. "Nick" Streit

Candidate for Council Member; City of Saratoga

This information is provided by the candidate
Residents of Saratoga SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT

The Nick Streit for Saratoga City Council campaign has been a homegrown campaign run from the heart, with integrity, honesty, and respect for my fellow candidates. I have told the citizens of Saratoga not what they want to hear, but what they need to hear, to make the City of Saratoga a better place to live for all our Citizens. In the October 21, 1998 issue of the Saratoga News and the Friday October 23, 1998 issue of the Mercury News, three of the candidates for Saratoga City Council placed an insert in the paper comparing the candidates on selected issues. It is on this comparison of the issues that I want to set the record straight, to not only protect my integrity, but show the citizens of Saratoga the kind of campaigns these candidates have chosen to conduct.

Highway 85 interchanges, the Question asked, "If you had to do Highway 85 over again and wanted to relieve the traffic on Saratoga Ave. what would you do?" Common sense indicates one or two additional exits off 85 would greatly relieve traffic on Saratoga Ave. I believe the previous City Council made a mistake by only giving the Citizens of Saratoga two options to vote on regarding the 85 exits. The options were one exit at Saratoga Ave. or three exits and now the Citizens who use and live on Saratoga Ave are paying the price.

Regarding the repaving of Highway 85, everyone who has seen my campaign flyers knows that I'm the only candidate endorsed by Congressman Jim Cunneen and with Jim's help we will convince Caltrans to speed up their normal timetable for resurfacing of Highway 85.

Proposed plans to control future traffic growth in Saratoga? My entire campaign focus on this issue has been to control growth of traffic in Saratoga i.e., proposed staggered start times for the schools on Saratoga Ave. and Fruitvale (Sacred Heart, St. Andrews, Redwood, and West Valley College). I have been concerned from the start about the additional traffic and noise in the neighborhoods resulting from the (proposed) expansion of the Mountain Winery venue and the West Valley Football field.

Support neighbor's desires about their own neighborhood? From the start I have supported the Citizens of Saratoga right to upgrade there 40's, 50's, and 60's style homes to 21st century homes. However, these improvements must meet the City requirements and have the approval of their neighbors.

Saratoga Creek clean up and Lawsuit? I will not only work to clean Saratoga Creek but all creeks in Saratoga which do not meet current health standards. However, it will be done in conjunction with all the appropriate and responsible parties in a fiscally responsible manner. Regarding the lawsuit, as a businessman, I won't make any decision that could affect the City without first reviewing all the pertinent facts. This allows me to make an intelligent decision based upon the facts and not emotion.

It is unfortunate in a small rural family oriented town like Saratoga that some candidates feel it necessary to conduct misleading, out of context, dishonest campaigns. I'm proud of my home grown campaign! I addressed all the issues with integrity, honesty, and respect for my fellow candidates. I also believe the Citizens of Saratoga are intelligent enough to see through the campaign rhetoric. If not, then we as citizens will have to live with the consequences.

I would like to thank everyone who votes for Nick Streit for Saratoga City Council on November 3rd. Win or lose I'm proud to be a Citizen of Saratoga and I plan to continue my service to our community so we all have a better place to live.

Thank you

Nick Streit Candidate for Saratoga City Council

Citizens of Saratoga

Campaign Contributions

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Saratoga who have contributed to the Nick Streit for Saratoga City Council campaign. As a homegrown campaign, where I am the Candidate, Campaign Manager, Speechwriter, and Mail Clerk, I'm proud to be endorsed by citizens from a variety of neighborhoods within Saratoga. This is why I feel it is important for the Citizens of Saratoga to understand that, even though I have been endorsed, based upon what I stand for, by both the Saratoga Good Government Group and the Peninsula West Valley Association of REALTORs. My campaign will not accept any contributions from these or any other organizations. If my campaign does receive any special-interest contributions, I will sign the checks over to the Warner Hutton House Foundation for TEEN programs. My campaign is and always will be independent from any influence from any organization that might affect my decision to do what is right for the City of Saratoga as a whole.

Thank you.

Nick Streit Saratoga City Council Candidate

Dear Friends and Neighbors

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and ask for your support in my candidacy for Saratoga City Council in the November 3rd, 1998 election. My decision to run for the office of City Council is based upon my commitment to be fiscally responsible, use good common sense and to do what is best for the City of Saratoga as a whole, without any influence from special interest groups. I am not a member of the Measure G committee, nor any homeowners association, or any trade association within the City that might influence my decision to do what is right for the good of the community. As a concerned citizen who owns his own business, is married and has two young children , I believe the best way to support change in the City is to be an active part of the change.

As Chairman of City of Saratoga Finance Commission, I'm deeply concerned about the decrease in the City's General Fund Balance from 4.9 mil. (96-97) to 2.9 mil. (est. 98-99), during three of Silicon Valley's most pros- perous years. I'm concerned for the future with approximately 20 percent of the City's revenue coming from vehicle license fees, recently partially repealed by the State. We should all be concerned that the City's two million-dollar reserve will be insufficient to support times of disaster.

I'm troubled as I walk the Village and see vacant storefronts, empty restaurants, high vehicle traffic, but low foot traffic. I believe the Village needs a better mix of family oriented restaurants and businesses. Increased business in the village will result in increased revenues for the City, to maintain our streets, parks and playgrounds.

I'm concerned that certain special interest groups want to settle the Saratoga Creek Lawsuit and clean the creek without regard to the source of the contamination, responsible parties, nor the financial impact to the City. I'm for a contamination-free creek for our kids to play in , but the clean-up must be handled in a fiscally responsible manner in cooperation with the Santa Clara County Health Department .

I intend to maintain Saratoga's family residential appeal and its rural character, yet allow residents, with their neighbors approval, to upgrade their 40's, 50's, 60's, and 70's style homes into 21st century homes.

I'm concerned about the additional traffic and noise as it may relate to the pending expansion of Paul Masson Winery venue from 1750 to 2500 seats and the addition of five wedding meadows on the surrounding neighborhoods.

I'll work with California Representative Jim Cunneen to locate funding for the repaving of Highway 85.

I'll also work to unify the Cities two fire districts, multiple T-ball, little league, and basketball leagues, three school districts, and multiple sanitation districts.

Nick Streit's commitment to addressing the concerns above, along with his business and education experience makes him the qualified choice to help lead the City of Saratoga into the 21st Century.

Nick Streit's Qualifications and Community Involvement: v Chairman, City of Saratoga Finance Commission v AYSO Soccer Coach v Treasurer, Silicon Valley Charity Ball Foundation v President-elect, Santa Clara Rotary Club v Parent, Saint Andrew's School, Saratoga v Member, Sacred Heart Catholic Parish v Member, California Certified Public Accountants v Member, American Institute of C.P.A. 's v Member, Nt'l. Assn. of Certified Valuation Analysts v Past Board Member of Santa Clara PAL

Nick Streit's Goals: Ø Fiscally Responsible Budgets Ø Clean parks, playgrounds, and sports fields for our children Ø Economically feasible Parks and Recreation programs Ø Drug free schools and streets Ø Viable business environment Ø Streets, clean and well maintained Ø Mentoring programs between our Senior's and Teens

BS Accounting/Economics, Gonzaga University, MA, Taxation, Golden Gate University

If you believe in my concerns and would like to volunteer to get my message to your neighbors, please give me a call personally. I'm just one concerned citizen who believes the way to make a change is to be a part of that change.

Thank you for your time and your concern and any support you may give to my campaign for Saratoga City Council .

"Vote for the person with the financial experience to lead the City of Saratoga into the 21st Century"

VOTE for NICK STREIT on November 3rd

Nick Streit for Saratoga City Council
P. O. Box 2821
Saratoga, CA 95070-0821
(408) 741-8424, fax (408) 983-1080

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 28, 1998 10:17
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