I am concerned about quality of life issues that rapid growth has caused and the ability of leadership to deal with the solutions to these problems.
This election as many others, is an example of outside influnces putting money into local elections. As a library commissioner, it concerns me that our Library Foundation, in trying to raise $70,000 for new computors, has only raised $5,000. Yet three candidates and the Folsom Chamber Pac has raised over $50,000 for this election. If that type of energy was put into things for the community, we would have an even better plce to live. With this type of money being raised, the question aslo has to be asked , are these candidates going to represent us, the tax paying citizens, or is their an obligation to the builders and businesses who donated significantly to their campaigns? It is time to give the council back to the citizens of this town. A vote for me will help give Folsom back to the families.