Orange County, CA November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Political Philosophy for Saundra F. Jacobs

Candidate for
Director; Santa Margarita Water District


This information is provided by the candidate

Re-elect Saundra Frances Jacobs to the Santa Margarita Water District. Two years ago you elected me at a time when the District was going through many controversial transitions. Maintaining my position on the Board of Directors will ensure continued consistency and balance in the decisions made by the Board and will keep special interest from gaining a foothold. The past two years have been pivotal in achieving District goals and accomplishments, and my 12 years of environmental experience have added a critical ingredient to the Board.

Our accomplishments for these two years include:

  • Refinancing of $80 million dollars in infrastructure bonds, saving customers $9 million dollars over the life of the bonds;
  • Successfully reducing water rates three times in the past two years;
  • Successfully reducing property taxes associated with the District infrastructure debt;
  • Continued search of alternative water sources to achieve our water resource goals;
  • Exploring alternative methods of financing infrastructure which will allow the District to protect new homeowners, while providing the water and sewer lines necessary for development.

These accomplishments are only the beginning. There are still important and controversial decisions to be made concerning consolidation,in-house cost reductions and improving water quality.

I have approached all issues of the District with genuine concern and interest, but more importantly, my attitude is one of implementing new ideas, when necessary, rather than simply providing a "rubber stamp" or being afraid of change.

During the hostile Cal-Am take over attempt of the District, I was in support of the Santa Margarita Water District, and their efforts to defeat Cal-Am. I attended and presented to the LAFCO hearing board the ramifications of the take over as they would apply to Lake Mission Viejo. Lake Mission Viejo is one of the largest water customers of the District.

I ask for your vote on Tuesday, November 3, 1998. You'll find my name in the third position on the ballot.

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 15, 1998 06:08
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