Arizona State Government November 3, 1998 General
Smart Voter

Social Security, now and in the future.

By Bill Reilly

Candidate for US Senator

This information is provided by the candidate
The record shows that as stewards of Social Security, the The Congress and Administrations of the past 27+ years, have routinely removed the balances of the Social Security Trust Fund yearly, adding up to over 500 Billion Dollars!
As an American worker, I have contributed to the Social Security Trust Fund since 1957. But given that, I would still be appalled at the cavalier mis-handling of this fund had I not been a contributor.

Think for a moment what the outcome would have been if the Government had the vision back then to invest our hard-earned monies into various government bonds. Somehow I cannot for one moment believe that this option was not on the table. This gives way to the opinion that many hold today; that Social Security is simply looked at as another tax base to be looted at will.

I can no longer listen to any of the present members of Congress or the White House, fawning over how they will use part of the present so-called budget surplus to help "save" Social Security, without becoming angry, as well you should also. For had they not removed the entire balance of Social Security for this year alone(over $124 billion), there would not be any surplus!!

If elected, I will not beat the bushes for people to blame. Those monies past are gone and time is short. But I shall endeavor to stop any further misdeeds with our monies and to invest those anticipated fund surpluses into U.S. Bonds, NOT the Stock Market! Further, it will be up to you the Citizen, to step forward and either support men and women of similar views, or join me(after you elect me)in the Congress as members of the House and Senate.

Vote: Bill Reilly (Official Write-In Candidate) for the U.S. Senate in 1998. I'm hoping you'll get out your pen, and write me in the old fashioned way. The message your write-in vote will send to Washington, D.C. will be heard across America! With courage, honesty, and most important, faith in God, ourselves, and America, we can and shall persevere!

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 4, 1998 16:59
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