- Occupation: Businessman/County Supervisor
- San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, President 1998, 1993, 1989
- Debt Limitation Committee, Chair
- San Mateo County Transit District, SamTrans, Chair 1996, 1997
- De Paul University, B.A.; LaSalle University, LL.B., California Bar 1995; Pepperdine University, MBA
- Institute of Internal Auditors, Certified Internal Auditor
- Created first San Mateo County debt limit policy
Top Priorities if Elected |
- Provide performance audits as well as fiscal audits.
- Provide reliable and public-friendly comprehensive financial reports (CAFR).
- Improve city and school district tax apportionment and allocation.
- Supervisor Mary Griffin
- Sheriff Don Horsley
- Assessor (fmr) Roland Gianini