Pam Rianda Age: 52 Occupation: Teacher/Incumbent Education and Qualifications: University of California, Berkeley (Bachelors) Teaching Credential, U.C. Berkeley Special Education Credential, U.C. Santa Cruz Graduate Study, Developmental Therapy, College of Notre Dame The time has come for me to ask the community for approval to continue to serve as a member of the Belmont City Council. I have served our community as Council member, Mayor (1994), member of South County Fire Authority, member of several city-wide subcommittees, San Mateo County Transportation Authority, League of California Cities Transportation Policy Committee, San Mateo County Criminal Justice Commission and many other governmental agencies. Belmont has faced some difficult challenges. I studied the issues in depth, asked the important questions then made the hard decisions which established and kept projects moving forward in a responsible way. * SAVING THE TAXPAYERS' DOLLARS - Held down storm drain pollutant charges - Voted against increasing Council member salaries and full benefit package - Supported the most affordable, least disruptive railroad grade separation - Acted to reduce our bloated City budgets - Limited sale of bonds reducing City's long term debt * PRESERVING AND PROTECTING OUR NEIGHBORHOODS - Lowered neighborhood density - Increased neighborhood lighting for safety and protection - Worked to eliminate unsafe neighborhood traffic conditions - Voted to eliminate advertisement signs which cluttered our major streets * ENCOURAGING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT - Fought for low density development of key, downtown property, following citizen task force recommendation - Led change of administrative leadership at City Hall - Preserved fire stations in Belmont - Supported Smoking and Curfew Ordinances - Encouraged Saturday morning Council/Community Coffee's CHALLENGES FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS: - Promote openness and citizen participation in City government - Preserve Belmont's quiet hometown atmosphere - Manage City's limited resources with responsibility - Ensure that remaining growth and development are compatible with the protection of the environment and open space - Establish a city administrative leadership team which has integrity and reflects the values of the Council and the community - Expand and enhance senior program - Complete long term goals of our youth program During the next four years, the Belmont City Council will face issues which severely impact it's economic, environmental and community vision. It is vital that such issues be fully understood and voted upon in a manner which represents the values of Belmont residents. It is this responsibility to which I am fully committed. Please allow me to continue my partnership with the people of our City and be your voice in the future of Belmont. /s/ Pam Rianda