Pedro Gonzalez Age: 64 Occupation: Retired Meat Cutter Education and Qualifications: Former Park and Recreation Commissioner 1987-1994, Chairman, 1992; Political Science, Enrichment Course, 1997; M.A.L.D.E.F. Leadership Course. Organizational Memberships: The Historic Old Town Homeowners/Renters Assoc., 1984, Treasurer 1985-1989; Sur San Francisco Unidos Org. 1991, President 1997; Community Focus Working Together for South San Francisco; League of Women Voters; Work For Social Justice; ArtRise Board of Directors; Voices Against Violence; YMI Council 32; South San Francisco CERTS. All Souls Church, different Ministries; School Board, 1973-1981; Spanish Speaking Committee, 1981-1983; Marriage Preparation Program. After living in South San Francisco for 30 years, married to Eldie, and raising three children, Prudencia, Silverio, Sara, and made friends, I feel now is the time for me to run for a City Council position and be involved in the decision making process. I have been involved in different boards and organizations in South San Francisco on a voluntary basis. If elected I will serve city residents the way they deserve, with respect and integrity, and by listening to both sides of issues before reaching a conclusion that will benefit best the communities interest. South San Francisco is a good place to live, I can help to keep it that way. /s/Pedro Gonzalez