Ian Bain Age: 30 Occupation: Public Relations Executive Education & Qualifications: Redwood City has a tremendous amount of potential! With your help, we can realize it. As a candidate, I bring a strong blend of fiscal responsibility and compassion to our community's needs, and a unique understanding of the way in which businesses, non-profits and city government can work together to achieve goals. EXPERIENCE Graduate - UC Berkeley - BA Political Science; Graduate - Leadership Redwood City; Chairman - Housing and Human Concerns Committee; Board of Directors Friends of Literacy; Board of Directors CAR; Chamber of Commerce Education Committee If elected, I will focus on the following issues: * Fighting gang activities by ensuring that police have the resources they need, while encouraging programs which divert youth away from crime. * Maintaining a healthy mix of business in Redwood City, and revitalizing downtown. * Seeking solutions to problems of traffic and traffic safety, such as fixing hazardous intersections and relieving traffic congestion. * Continuing efforts to improve schools. * Protecting services for senior citizens. * Improving the condition of the city's recreational fields. Improving communication between residents, elected officials, city staff and volunteers serving our community. Together we can turn visions into reality. Together we can build a great city! /s/ Ian Alan Bain