Detailed Biography for Catherine Bonnar
This information is provided by the candidate
I have a history as an active volunteer in our schools:
I have been active in the school district since my son Matthew (now a 7th grader) was in kindergarten. I continue to volunteer as Kate enters fourth grade. I have served on the PTA executive board at Central and in many other volunteer positions. Again this year as first vice president I am responsible for fundraising activities at Central. I have served on the Site Councils at both Central and Ralston Middle schools. Last year I was a parent representative to the District’s principal search committee. In addition, I worked to save the district instrumental music program when reduced revenues caused the Board to look at cuts some years ago. As parent education chairperson in 1994 and 1995, I initiated the highly successful Lawrence Hall of Science Family Night program at Central Elementary School. Last Spring I worked with many others on the successful school bond campaign. I have also worked in the computer lab at Central and have volunteered in the classroom. Professionally, I am a senior judicial attorney at the First Appellate District Court of Appeals, where I have worked for last 15 years -- job-sharing since Matt (now in 7th grade) was born. I received my BA from Pitzer College in Claremont, California and my JD in 1978 from Stanford University. I am a member of the San Mateo County Bar Association, and have served on the Board of Governors of California Women Lawyers and on the State Bar Committee on the Appellate Courts. I am married to Dennis Roseman, a research scientist at Lockheed-Martin.
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