"The meaning of "rural".......
|" Carroll Ann Hodges
This information is provided by the candidate
Subject: What do we mean by "rural"?
Woodside's General Plan provides only the briefest definition of rural: "A rural setting.....provides privacy, separation from traffic, undisturbed terrain, extensive vegetation, and opportunities to keep horses and other animals." This definition is, however, augmented throughout the General Plan by reference to many specific factors that most of us would regard as rural in nature. In determining the appropriateness of development projects, it is well to recall that the following goals and guidelines from our General Plan apply, to the extent they are feasible within the applicable zoning district:
Minimal disturbance of natural terrain and vegetation Structures of size, scale, and location so as to be subordinate to and compatible with natural characteristics of the land Architecture that blends with the land and setting, and is compatible with surrounding community Maximum retention of open space Accommodation for wildlife habitat as well as for domestic animals Fencing that is open, vegetated, or otherwise unobtrusive Adequate protection of creeks and riparian habitat in natural state Scenic sensitivity Consideration of such factors as these will, I believe, ensure that the rural character we all seem to value is retained and enhanced for future generations of Woodside residents.
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