Smart Voter

"Religion in schools"
Anthony J. Miley

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Although there is no basis in fact for Darwinism, it is yet being taught in our schools as fact. This teaching begins in early kindergarten. Our children learn how precious our mother earth is, then they learn to worship her.

There is no basis in fact to say that we as humans evolved from an ameba. No transition forms from fish to animal exist, only those who wish to sell us on this idea contend that they do. They manipulate and manufacture “evidence” of evolution, when the true fact exists that “all things produce after their own kind”.

Random chaos is only a theory also, and should not be taught as fact. Darwinism uses the random chaos theory to support radical changes from one species to another. This has never been true in our lifetime, why should it be considered to have been true at the beginning of time.

The holy Bible starts out with “In the beginning, God.” This is the truth that pervades the universe, the truth of a brilliant creative God, all knowing and all powerful. One with intelligence who creates intelligently.

All else in the universe decays. Look around you and see the decay of rust, fading paint, teeth that do not fix themselves. Why then should we believe in a universe that creates itself.

Why should we teach our children to worship mother earth, and to kill babies in young mother’s wombs?

The two thoughts are incompatible, but they serve the goals of world population control, and serve to control the population.

Darwinism is a religion which is being forced on our children, while the true religion and story of our Lord Jesus Christ is being withheld from them because of the so called “separation of church and state”. It is my position that at the very least, the theory or creation should be taught as well as the theory evolution, so our children at least have a balanced view.

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