ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF OR IN OPPOSITION TO THE PROPOSED LAWS ARE THE OPINIONS OF THE AUTHORS TOWN OF PORTOLA VALLEY MEASURE B "If, and only if, Town of Portola Valley Measure A which adjusts the Town's appropriation limit passes, shall the Town of Portola Valley impose an additional utility tax at a rate not to exceed 2.0% to amend Ordinance No. 1985-207, as amended, the proceeds of which shall be used only for funding open space projects of the Town; and shall the appropriations limit of the Town be adjusted each fiscal year commencing July 1, 1998, by the amount of money collected from the imposition of such Utility Users Tax during the time of its levy and collection, provided that the authorization to so adjust the appropriations limit shall not exceed four (4) years from the end of Fiscal Year 1997-1998?" IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS OF MEASURE B The Council of the Town of Portola Valley has called for a municipal election to be combined with the general election to be held on November 4, 1997, for the purpose of presenting to the Town's qualified electors a ballot measure, which will authorize the imposition of a special 2% utility tax to fund open-space projects by the Town, if the measure is approved by more than two-thirds (2/3) of the voters voting on the measure and if Ballot Measure A authorizing the adjustment in the Town's appropriations limit is approved. In addition, approval of this ballot measure will authorize an adjustment in the Town's appropriations limit each fiscal year starting July 1, 1998, by the amount of money raised from the imposition of the special 2% utility user's tax during the time of its levy and collection in each of the four consecutive fiscal years beginning with the Fiscal Year 1998-1999. Following the final fiscal year of these four fiscal years, the Town's appropriations limit will revert to the amount it would have been had the ballot measure not received a favorable vote. If the measure receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote, and Measure A receives a favorable vote, the special utility user's tax may be levied and collected at a rate not to exceed 2.0%. Money collected from the tax levy will be placed in a special Town account to fund open-space projects selected by the Town. If the measure does not receive a two-thirds (2/3) vote and/or Measure A does not receive a favorable vote, the Town will not be allowed to impose the open-space utility tax. Margaret A. Sloan Town Attorney for Town of Portola Valley ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF MEASURE B VOTE YES ON MEASURE B to protect Portola Valley's rural ambiance and undeveloped open space. In 1964, Portola Valley residents voted overwhelmingly to incorporate our Town, thereby providing local control to protect the wonderful natural environment we all know and love. Our low cost, largely volunteer Town government has been remarkably successful in accomplishing this task, allowing reasonable development while protecting Portola Valley's essential rural character. However, if we are to be successful in protecting the critical remaining vistas and corridors, our Town must have adequate financial resources to purchase key pieces of undeveloped land and easements as they become available. Measure B will provide a vital tool in giving our Town the needed resources to accomplish this. Measure B will do this at a modest cost to Portola Valley residents: $7.50 a month on average per household (only $90 per year). This is a small price to pay for providing permanent protection for some of Portola Valley's most important open space and scenic vistas - precious amenities which not only enrich our lives, but also add value to everyone's property in our Town. Measure B will authorize the collection of a 2% tax on our utility bills with the proceeds to be dedicated to the protection of open space. Measure B will require a two-thirds "yes" vote to be enacted. We strongly urge all Portola Valley residents to come together in supporting Measure B to protect the beauty of our Town. It is important that we demonstrate our commitment to investing in our Town's future. We must enact Measure B to safeguard Portola Valley's rural character for ourselves and future generations. Please join us on November 4 and vote YES ON MEASURE B. Eleanor Boushey, Open Space Committee Advisor, Former Mayor Thomas W. Ford, Open Space Committee Advisor, Former Planning Commission Chair L.W. "Bill" Lane Jr., Open Space Committee Advisor, Former Mayor Jon Silver, Former Mayor Lea Zaffaroni, Planning Commissioner, Former Open Space Committee Chair NO ARGUMENT AGAINST MEASURE B SUBMITTED